
Presenting at the Global Gaming Entertainment awards was a blast!

This gallery contains 4 photos.

It was so much fun to be a celebrity presenter for the G2E Awards.  I have some great shots from backstage.  These shots are of me with  Brad Garrett, Carrot Top, Murray and Chloe and Kelly Clinton.  Other Vegas Elite … Continue reading

Love is Love video shoot

I love this shot!  This is a photo from last weeks video shoot of Love is Love.  Meanwhile, one of the songwriters is the one in the middle, and the rest are the tribute World’s elite.

Left to Right

Sharon Owens as Barbara Streisand, Kelly Smith as Cher, Katie Murdock as Britney Spears, Sandy Anderson as Dolly Parton, Mark Mercer as himself (writer), Katie Steele as Kathy Griffin, Coty Alexander as Madonna, and Tierney Allen as Lady Gaga

Love is Love video shoot

Happy Birthday Madonna!

Fun Fact!  Did you know that three Singer artists that would change the world with their music, style and reputation were born in the same year, and within a few states?  They are Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Price.  Wow, that always amazes me.

Well, Happy Birthday Madonna 8/16!  Thank you for an amazing career!  Tonight I am performing in Long Island, NY at the Gateway TheaterCOTY MADONNA 3

Attention Madonnathon Attendees!

Hello Madonnathon Attendees in Brooklyn New York!

I was bummed to just find out about Madonnathon and then realize that I was booked during that time and could not perform.  However, I will be performing in Long Island, NY as Madonna in Legends in Concert before, during and after Madonnathon this year.

If you want to continue the Madonna fun for her birthday come and see us at the Gateway theater in Long Island, NY August 13-17.  Buy Legends Tickets! here.


New Madonna Costumes under Construction

One of the fun parts about my job is the costumes that I get to wear for artists like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Gwen Stefani and Marilyn.  It is a time consuming and costly task that I have always been dedicated to.  My home includes an entire room filled with wigs, shoes, makeup and sewing supplies to house all of my characters designs.

I’m very excited to announce the construction of several new costumes in my Madonna repertoire.  In my Madonna set I change costumes 5 times. I will debut them all in my Long Island, NY job with Legends at the Gateway theater.  What you’ll see is a new replica that’s original was recently sold for $72k, and a new Like a Virgin dress, both of which, I am personally building.  I also have two exact replicas being built by professionals, the White 70’s suit from the Madonna Confessions Tour Tour by Roberta at Design Concepts, and the Vogue costume from her MDNA Tour coming all the way from DeeNa in Thailand.


Coty Alexander as Madonna

Stay Tuned for pictures!


Coty and Katie Gaga are going Gaga tonight at MGM!

Coty Gaga PurpleThe Legends Gaga’s will be front and center tonight at the Lady Gaga concert.  Kate’s going with Bell’s on…I mean shell’s on.  I forgot my Bubbles, so I’ll be going as myself.  It seems like a nice place to dress up though.  Everyone’s doing it!  Let me know if you will be there too.

Getting ready for Long Island!

I’ll be heading to Long Island to work at the Gateway Theater with Legends in Concert for a week.  I will be playing Madonna with some other very talented artists.  I’m excited!  If you are on the East Coast come see us August 13th -18th!  I will be wearing all new costumes!

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